Archive for January, 2009|Monthly archive page

Body and Soul

It is better for the mind to take a resolution that who ever abuses, scolds, hurts etc., should not worry as the perishable body gets the hit but not the pure soul (athman) which can’t be destroyed.

The body,says Sri Ramana Maharshi, is insentient. The soul is pure awareness &  is not affected by whatever may happen to the body or the world. In between these two, there is a pseudo-self called ego, which imagines it is the body, and causes all kinds of imaginary happiness & sorrow. This is also called the GOD’s maya. In reality there is no body or world or God without thought. Giving up all thoughts is Gnana. It is the essence of sanyasa. Vedanta says that no body was ever born or died. Any creation is the creation of one’s mind.  Such a creation is temporary, as it is not continued in our sleep  or dreamless sleep. Those who wake up to the ephemerality of the mind, turn completely away from the mind &  its creation, viz the body & the world. Tell me now, who can abuse whom. Where  is the need even to accept or reject words of abuse?

Mano nasaha mukthi — Salvation is the complete extinction  of the mind .